Let’s Slow mo this Holi

Let’s Slow mo this Holi

How we always look to our past for inspiration and sometimes we would love to live back the moments.

Here is why I love Slow mo videos: They slow the moment, let you see more, it’s like your heartbeat goes way too fast and you can see and feel minute details. One second feels longer than normal.

And especially when you reverse the slow mo video, it gets even more exciting and dramatic. I will show you how you can use slow mo video to shoot your best social media post.

But before that let me show you how I did that back in 2015.

This wasn’t perfect, But I love how you can see colors go back to hands from the environment.

So how can you shoot a video like this, here are the things you are going to need:

  1. You need a camera which has slow motion video capture feature. ( Normally all the iPhone models from 5s afterward have this feature. )
  2. Gulal
  3. Few friends( precisely 2, one to operate the camera & another one to put gulal in your hairs. )

Now how to shoot:

  1. Get yourself relaxed & don’t worry about colors, if you put a smile that would be best. Maybe if you wanna drink some water do that cause this exercise is going to give you a headache.
  2. Explain to your friend how to shoot in slow motion ( first few seconds will be normal speed and then it will get slow afterward).
  3. Get Ready to swing your hairs ( if you don’t have long hairs that move at your command, you’re out of luck).
  4. Ask your first friend to start shooting, your 2nd friend to put the gulal in your hairs and have fun ( you gotta just do it like your dog who hates water and how he swing his hairs after shower lol ).
  5. Once the video has been shoot, check if you got all the drama in it. Once you’re happy with the clip. Let’s go to post progressing.
  6. You can use iMovie or FCP on mac or any video editing software that flip the video and play the clip in reserve. Here is a step by a guide on how to do it in iMovie.

Have Fun!


PS: I am doing a pre-Holi Photoshoot this Holi. If you want to rock your social circle with awesome colorful headshots, come Join me!

Pre-Holi Photoshoot 2017!
For assistance Call +91 7309034342.
(Hurry up! Only 10 Spots Left)

How to Click Like Celebs this Holi

How to Click Like Celebs this Holi?

Oh, it hurts to get no good images to share on social media after that crazy colour session. I have been the victim of bad holi images myself until last year.

So what makes a good Holi Selfie:

  1. Light
  2. Your Face with smile
  3. Cell phone camera

All of these things are available for free ( I assume you own a cell phone with camera).

Now before anyone put colour on your face in Holi morning & while you have your fresh face. Do your makeup yourself or Ask one of your friends or family members to do a color makeup.

Once the makeup is Done. Go out in an open area where you have sun light but ensure not to expose your face in the sun light. It’s better to face yourself towards a white wall which is hitting sun light. This will create a very soft light for your picture. Now click your first test image and see if you like it. If all looks good now it’s time to pose and make it better.

The rule here is anything that you bring towards the camera gets more exposure. You want your face to get exposure – bring it close to the camera wear your best smile like you are in love with yourself.

I use this phrase a lot “smile with your eyes”. And it’s because your true smile is not just from lips or face it’s from the eyes so when you smile next time see that spark your eyes create. You gotta pull that in your Holi selfie.

Below my Holi selfie from 2015 ( It’s a bad Holi selfie )

Here is what’s wrong with this image:

  1. Not looking into the camera.
  2. It’s a fake smile ( You can easily tell by shape of face and the eyes, there is no smiling by eye in this image )
  3. The color makeup on face is all messed up that’s what happen when you click your holi selfie after playing color and being exhausted.

Here is my Holi selfie from 2016:

So what do I like about this image:

  1. Perfect lighting
  2. Sparks in the eyes
  3. A real smile, You feel a better connection with this image than from the last year.
  4. And I love the Makeup. This one is my favorite Holi Selfie till yet.

PS: This one did not come by chance: Do you wanna see all the images I clicked in this series to get to this image 😀 ( I am going to be so embarrassed )

But here you go:

Stop laughing now!

I hope these Tips will help you create a better selfie this Holi. And If you are looking to get something like what you see below: Join me in Pre-Holi Professional Headshot Event.

Pre-Holi Photoshoot 2017!
For assistance Call +91 7309034342.
(Hurry up! Only 10 Spots Left)

Pre-Holi Photoshoot 2017

Pre-Holi Photoshoot  ?

Last year, I did a photoshoot with my Team on the day before Holi. The idea was to capture their smile with colors of Holi all over their face. It was pretty fun. And the images produced in that series became one of my best & most shared work.

Personally, I love the Festival of colors. I believe anyone who smiles automatically looks beautiful. When I posted this picture last year, I got several people reaching out to me personally to say: they really like the images and would love to take part next year.

So how about we go crazy again this year ?

Fill your face with colors of Holi & you giving your beautiful smile and we freeze that moment.

Are you Ready???


AWESOME ? ? ? 

I am opening up few hours in my schedule for 4 days starting from 8th March to 11 March 2017 for capturing smiles in the colors of Holi.

Here are the shoot details:

  1. Fee : Rs. 2000.
  2. You get access to all your images from the shoot.
  3. You receive 1 Retouched image in soft copy
  4. You get printing copyright to the retouched image.
  5. If you got crush on more than one image, you can get another re-touched image just in Rs. 799.
  6. Location : Mahanagar, Lucknow
  7. Event Date : 8th March to 11th March 2017.

WARNING: There will be real Gulal used in producing these images, that may leave color on your clothes.

I am ready with lights, camera & colors, let’s go crazy ?

Book Your Spot in Pre-Holi Photoshoot

Book Your Spot in Pre-Holi Photoshoot