Template Sublease Agreement Residential

If you`re looking to sublet your apartment, it`s important to have a written agreement in place with your subtenant. A template sublease agreement for residential properties can provide a framework for such an agreement that includes all the necessary legal terms and conditions.

What is a sublease agreement?

A sublease agreement is a legal contract between a tenant (the “sublessor”) and a third party (the “subtenant”), in which the sublessor grants the subtenant the right to occupy and use a rental property for a specified period of time. The subtenant pays rent and follows the terms of the original lease between the sublessor and landlord.

What should be included in a template sublease agreement for residential properties?

1. Names of parties involved: The sublease agreement should clearly state the full names of the sublessor and subtenant.

2. Description of the property: The agreement should include the address and description of the rental property, including any limitations on use.

3. Term of the sublease: The agreement should specify the length of the sublease and the start and end dates.

4. Rent and payment terms: The agreement should state the amount of rent and when it is due, as well as any penalties for late payment.

5. Security deposit: The agreement should specify the amount of the security deposit required and the conditions for its return.

6. Utilities: The agreement should state which utilities are the responsibility of the subtenant and which are covered by the sublessor.

7. Maintenance and repairs: The agreement should specify the responsibilities of the sublessor and subtenant for maintenance and repairs.

8. Prohibited activities: The agreement should include any activities that are not allowed in the rental property.

9. Termination and notice: The agreement should state the conditions for terminating the sublease and for giving notice to the other party.

10. Signature and date: The agreement should include a place for both parties to sign and date the document.


A template sublease agreement for residential properties can provide a useful guide for creating a legally binding agreement between a sublessor and subtenant. While there may be additional terms and conditions that apply to a specific situation, including all the necessary information in the template can help ensure a smooth subleasing experience for both parties.